Triple dose of DL

What’s behind door number one, door number two and door three? They’re all injured pitchers on the Blue Jays staff – take your pick!


Those three letters can basically sum up my thoughts after it was announced today that three Blue Jays will be put on the disabled list. The day got off on the wrong foot (pardon the pun) as we awaited the results from Scott Downs’ MRI. But before that even happened, the first Blue Jay of the day to be placed on the disabled list was Casey Janssen. But wait, there’s more!


After some long toss exercises earlier today, Roy Halladay’s condition didn’t improve so he will also go in the DL and will return June 28th at the earliest. I’m sure Doc was probably begging Cito and the trainers to let him pitch this Saturday, but after seeing what happened to Downs last night they’re probably going to keep Halladay out of the batters box just in case.

And since bad news always happens in threes, Scott Downs was also placed on the disabled list today with a sprained left big toe (you know, the one that went to market). The results from his MRI must not have been good, so now the Blue Jays will be without their closer until at least July 1st. No word yet on who will take Downs place but you can bet it will either be “The Sausage King” Jason Frasor or B.J. Ryan. For my fantasy baseball team’s sake, I hope it’s Ryan so I can justify keeping him on my team for this long.

When three players go down, three more must come up; Brad Mills will make his long-awaited major league debut on Thursday in place of the injured Casey Janssen. My guess is that the other two tickets out of Las Vegas will likely belong to Fabio Castro and Jeremy Accardo, but who’s to say that the Blue Jays won’t give Brett Cecil a chance at redemption?

Frankly, at this point what do the Blue Jays have to lose? Another pitcher … right.

Ian Hunter

Ian has been writing about the Toronto Blue Jays since 2007. He enjoyed the tail-end of the Roy Halladay era and vividly remembers the Alex Rodriguez "mine" incident. He'll also retell the story of Game 5 of the 2015 ALDS to his kids for the next 20 years.

2 thoughts on “Triple dose of DL

  • June 18, 2009 at 5:19 am

    Can't believe Downs hit the D/L, too. Fucking National League.

    Here's hoping it's the Sausage King.

  • June 18, 2009 at 12:32 pm

    Time for the Sausage King to rise up!

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