Chris Colabello Addresses the “Team Nap” on Intentional Talk

After rattling off 11 consecutive wins, many are looking to find the magical formula as to why the Toronto Blue Jays are performing so well. A great deal can be attributed to their potent offense, but there’s one underlying factor which may have been the root of it all.

A team nap.

Ever since reports surfaced a few weeks ago that the Blue Jays enjoyed a little team snooze in between games in Washington, the team has been virtually unstoppable and has yet to lose in their last 11 games.


Up until now, we had yet to hear from someone within the organization about whether the team dozed off in between games against the Washington Nationals. And it was none other than one of the Blue Jays’ hottest hitters who set the record straight.

Chris Colabello spoke with Intentional Talk and he confirmed that the club did in fact enjoy a power bap in between games during their day/night double header from Washington a few weeks.

“I thought it was a pretty common thing. The lights got turned off in the middle of the clubhouse … guys were dozing off, I thought that’s what you were supposed to do in between games.

Ever since then we’ve been rolling; so more naps, I guess.”

If the Blue Jays continue to score puts and put up wins at their current torrent pace, as far as I’m concerned, they can take a nap in between at bats if that helps them stay fresh.

Ian Hunter

Ian has been writing about the Toronto Blue Jays since 2007. He enjoyed the tail-end of the Roy Halladay era and vividly remembers the Alex Rodriguez "mine" incident. He'll also retell the story of Game 5 of the 2015 ALDS to his kids for the next 20 years.
